Carl and I woke up at 5am in order to get to the Taj Mahal for the sunrise. We walked out of our hotel while it was still dark and chilly. Within a minute a rickshaw stopped and we were on our way. Our excitment grew as we rode through the moonlit streets. An orangey red full moon floated above us as I sang "spoooooky scary,
werewolf bar mitzvah" dont ask me why, it just felt apporatiate.
We were dropped off and walked the remaining 5 minutes to the ticket line. We purchased our tickets and then proceeded to the next line to enter the Taj complex. While I waited with all the women Carl waited in line with the men. Once we got to the front, the guard taking Carl's ticket told him he was in the wrong line(men and woman must enter in seperate lines). Carl was a little confused as the guard only spoke hindi but slowly Carl realized the guard mistook him for a woman. When the guy took a second look at Carl he started laughing Carl realized he thought Carl was not a women but a man (Bahahaha!). In the guys defense Carl's hair was looking really good that day. After having a good laugh we passed through security. We the first people through the gates so we were able to get some pictures without a million people in them.
I'm pretty sure 10 million people have this same photo of themselves in front of the Taj Mahal |
See, even Carl has the same photo |
As we walked closer to the Taj a man told us to follow him through a gate. He ran forward ahead of us and pointed out were we should take pictures from. Pollution from all the factories in Arga maybe destroying the marble of the beautiful building but it does make for beautiful orangey red hazy sunrise which was amazing! Watching the sunrise with one of the worlds most famous and beautiful buildings in the foreround will definitely be something I will always remember and appreciate.
The sunrise! |
Carl + Cara + Monkey +Taj = Awesome |
Sometimes Carl gets ideas in his head, most of the time his ideas are let's say, a little crazy. Well one of these ideas was to shoot a music video at the Tah Mahal, even though video recording and I'm pretty sure dancing is banned. He would be the star and I would film it. Carl thought an area in the mosque just west of the Taj would be a prefect area. We developed an audience as Carl danced around.
Dancin' |
Once we had enough footage we walked around till we found the stairs to go up and inside. We followed the masses around the inside where the tombs are located. We both agreed that it was pretty creepy in there and they might want to change the lighting and get rid of the dead bodies if they wanted to make it a little less gloomy. To truly appreciate The Taj Mahal it best at a distance in order to see the perfect symmetry.
The symmetry people. Its all about the symmetry. |
Once we explored inside Carl wanted to get some footage of himself dancing in a nook (that is the technical architectural name) of the Taj Mahal. I filmed as Carl danced around and a large crowd gathered to watch us weirdos. After a minute or two Carl decided there was enough of an audience and got a bit shy. However, once he stopped dancing two older Indian woman in saris approached us. One of the woman said her sister would love to dance with Carl. Carl helped the 77 year old lady up to the nook (now stage) and they danced together. It was pretty awesome if you ask me.
Between Carl getting mistook for a women and dancing around like a fairy while I filmed it, I think its safe to say Carl and I were the weirdest people at the Tah Mahal that day.
Here is the music video Carl made. The song is Interlude by London Grammer.
The video is fantastic. I love it. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Cara, I thought Taj Mahal was a band? Don't hit me with your monkey stick! Love Uncle Ho