Wednesday 19 November 2014

A Guru Dinner

If you ask me, Carl and I timed our arrival to Delhi and departure to Arga prefectly. We got to Delhi on a thursday night and were able to catch a ride with a new friend to her hometown of Arga. We met our new friend, Kanika , during a cooking class we took in Dharamsala. After the class Carl asked her if she wanted to join us for drink. She called her boyfriend to meet us and after a couple of hours we agreed we would have to see each other again.
Kanika, me, Carl and our cooking instructor
 Kanika was going down to Arga becasue her family was having a function for their guru at her house. We asked if we could catch a ride with her. She told us that would be no problem and that her driver (!) would pick us up from our hotel the next morning. Not only did we time it prefectly to be able to get a ride with Kanika but we were also able to attend the function for her guru.
Once we got to Arga we stopped by Kanika's house to meet her mother. We arrived at night and her mother served us chai and homemade snacks. Delicous, I tell you, so freaking delicous and bad for you! Deep fried bread, deep fried potatoes, deep fried onions, and samsoas. It was their neighbors birthday so we were also treated to chocolate cake. The birthday woman actually fed Carl and I cake, like she put in our mouths with her hands. So basically it was weird but amazing. How lucky are we to be welcomed into Kanikas home when we just met her a week before, and treated like old friends. 

The next day Carl and I explored the Taj Mahal in the morning and at night we went over to Kanikas for a special dinner for her guru. Let me tell you, it was fascinating! And sort of boring, but mostly fascinating. When we arrived guests were already sitting on the floor, praying or mediating. The front hall is a huge shine to Guruji, including four giant photos, a throne, a minute replica of a throne-swing he used sit on and a picture of his feet. The center focal point is a life size photo of Guruji sitting on a gold throne.
Shrine for Guruji
We arrived around 7:30 and joined the rest of the guests on the floor. It was interesting to see everyone greet and say hello to Guruji in different ways when they entered. It was boring because we sat for two and half hours mediating and watching guests come in. Kanika's father gave a speech about Guruji which was mostly in hindi besides a couple of English sentences now and then, entirely for the benefit of Carl and I.
Kanika serving chai
We already had a little background on Guruji from Kanika so we knew he was no longer alive but he communicates with his followers via dreams. Kanika's parents hold a dinner for Guruji once a month. Over 500 people come and cram into their house, which is basically entirely for Guruji, he even has his own bedroom. The guest had to take turns and rotate to sit on the floor and enjoy dinner. Kanika's mother cooks most of the food herself with the help of some neighbors and friends. The food was delicious and spicy. It was dal and a vegetable curry with chapatis. Four people sat on the floor and shared one plate. Once we finished dinner we went upstairs and talked with Kanika and her friend about Indian weddings and the difference between cultures. We were dropped off at our hotel around midnight. They didn't even serve dinner till 10pm. Can you image going to a dinner party or event in the US and then not serving dinner till 10pm?!

Sorry about the bad photos :(

Carl and I are in Goa now, relaxing at the beach. I head back to Australia to see my babies (not actually my babies, the kids I au paired for) and friends in 10 days!

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