Friday 7 November 2014

The Beatles -- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram

Okay, I'm going to be honest. Rishikesh, the yoga capital of world, is my least favorite place in India so far. The city is big and spread out and difficult to walk around. There are no rickshaws on the east side of the Ganges river and that's where all the guest houses and hotels are. It's super touristy but there are very few restaurants and even fewer good restaurants. Everyone is forced together with all the cows, dogs, monkeys, and motorbikes all sharing the small sidewalks and bridges. There seems to be more flies and cow shit on the street than anywhere else we have been in India. Our hotel is in the Swarg Ashram area and we haven't been a lot of places around Rishikesh (because it so hard to get anywhere) so I don't know if other areas are nicer. 

The best part is the abandoned Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ashram where the Beatles stayed during their time in Rishikesh. Carl describes our adventure beautifully "Today we scaled the back wall to the abandoned Maharishi Ashram in Rishikesh. The Beatles arrived here in 1968 and much of the White album was birthed here. It was magical to explore this decaying place being eaten by the jungle surrounded by the spirits of the Beatles. The essence of time and transcendence inhabiting every step as butterflies danced from flower to flower. We heard "Black Bird" in the distance and stumbled upon a man bringing the magic of the Beatles to our ears. After finding the magnificent shrine room and Beatles house we escaped back the way we came over the wall and through the jungle back to town. Love is all you need is love."

The pictures are much better at communicating the magical time we had than I can describe so I will let them speak for themselves.
The back gate...
The forest outside the ashram 
Over the wall...

Breaking the rules!
Magical secret garden 
These purple flowers were growing everywhere 
Ashram building 
I'm a fairy!
Pathway to a mediation hall
Mediation area 
Love is all there is
Forest trying to eat building 

View from top of the big building 
Inside the same building 
Oh hey, giant spidy 
Little  house things 
Building where The Beatles stayed
Top  of The Beatles house
View from the Beatles  house 
Free concert 
He played 5 or 6 songs  from the white album 
The Cathedral 
The story...

Maharshi mahesh yogi
More art
The gurus 

A little video with some archival footage of The Beatles at the ashram (Thanks Dennis).

Love you all. I hope everyone is well.

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