Thursday, 23 April 2015

I Moved!!

Manon and I moved! I may regret this but I moved into a house with 18 other people....It wasn't going to work for Manon and I to stay in my old tiny room, with only a single bed, so we have been looking at new places to live. And let me tell you we looked at some amazingly terrible places. I am regretting not taking pictures of them so much! But honestly I wasn't thinking of taking picture I was just thinking "No. No. No. No. No. No." as I backed away. 

The first place looked at was dark and dirrrty. The owner reluctantly told us that 15 people lived in the house. It was so gross and we didn't even see the bathroom because someone was in there. Not that we really wanted to see them(side note: one bathroom for 15 people?!). There were dirty pots with spoons in them all around the house, like these people couldn't find a bowl or a plate they were just like f*ck it I'm going to eat straight out of the pot and not even wash that... Even though I dirtied one less dish. The rest of the day we joked and laughed about having to live there. 

Another house we saw was nice. Manon and I would of had our own bathroom. However the room was kinda cold, the house was far away from town (an hour walk) and one of the roommates was super creepy. The final straw was a sign in the living room that said "Smile if you want sex" in combination with the creepy roommate we were like "No. No. No. No. No."
View from the house with the creepy roommate
The worst place we saw was a cabin, really it was a shack. It was just one dirty room fitting a bed, a couch and a tiny kitchen. It looked like it would be freezing and the realtor was not trying to sell it at all. Her words were something like "Yes, it would be cold, I think all the heating would go out the windows, I wouldn't want to live here. It would be fine if you were just here for sleeping though." The kicker was that the bathroom wasn't inside the cabin, it's attached but you have to walk outside to get there. Not to mention it was terrifying.  There were no windows and the shower was a tiny wood square and the black paint was peeling off in large chucks. It looked like a great place to murder someone... Or more likely get murdered. 

Later that day after looking at a studio apartment that was tiny, dark and smelled very strongly of mildew we were feeling pretty sorry for ourselves. Were we destined to live in cold, dark, dirty, houses filled with creepy roommates?!

That's when Manon brought up a place she went to see without me. She said the place was big, really nice, had an amazing view and was warm. But we would have somewhere between 17-22 roommates (after 15 people who can be bothered to count correctly). We would have to share a room with another girl and there is this tiny little hobbit door in the room that leads to a small little room which a guy named Juan lives in. When Manon first told me about Juan and his creepy little hobbit door I was like "No. No. No. No. No. No." but after seeing what the Queenstown housing market had to offer I warmed up to the idea a bit. (Juan is very nice by the way, and is a vet back home in Argentina)
Juan's creepy hobbit door
When we went over to the new house to have a look and decided it was the best option. That night we decided we would move in two days. I still had the lease on my old room so I was a little nervous to commit to a new place but it all worked out. The next morning I put my room on the "Queenstown room for rent" Facebook group and someone came over to look at it and committed to take the room in less than two hours! 
New house
Living room
View from the bathroom
We are all moved in :) I'll let you know if I regret having 20 roommates. I've been here a week and haven't even met them all yet. 
Sunrise from the deck
Front of the house
Front walk way
Back deck. Window on the left is the kitchen
Amazing rainbow seen from the deck

P.S. There are three fridges at the new house and two of them leak fridge juice on to the floor!!! Do all fridges in New Zealand leak?! Help!


  1. I don't remember how many flatmates there were, yet I do remember the hobbit room(s) at the London ashram. Oh, to be traveling again.

  2. This story is soo ridiculous! I hope it works out for you :)
